Black Colour

Black is not a colour, but rather the lack of colour. In nature, black is the colour of night when the moon is not in the sky to illuminate the landscape. Dark night is a time of unease in which the familiar world is obscured. Humans naturally fear the unknown and the unseen. Black is naturally associated with such fears. Because we do not know or understand death, black is often associated with death and ending. However, black is actually a very positive color. Dark blacks are very protective and offer you a retreat, the safety of being hidden from your enemies. Black is a protective color that actually gives you a sense of power. It makes you feel secure, daring, and physically powerful. Black crystals are used when you need protection and mental fortitude. They are the crystals to use when you need to feel safe and secure.

Black Crystals

Hematite enhances self-esteem and willpower, mental organization and grounding. Treats over indulgences, leg cramps, spinal problems and insomnia. Hematite is a protective stone, though perhaps not in the way the ancient Romans imagined it to be. This stone is particularly recommended for people who have difficulty in preventing themselves from absorbing the emotions of others.

Jet is used as a calming talisman in times of loss or high stress. It is organic in origin and brings ancient elements of the Universal Life Force to you. A stone or two held in the hands is quite effective in promoting inner strength and calming fears and anxiety. It relaxes stress and promotes serenity. Jet is a deeply calming and stabilizing stone that can be a comfort in loss. It is reported to enhance the stability of one's financial situation when it is threatened by outside forces.

Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that actually gives you a sense of power. It makes you feel secure, daring, and physically powerful. It will deepen your connection to the physical, natural world. It helps relieve you of fears specifically associated with your physical existence here on Earth. This is a crystal to have near you when you need protection and mental fortitude. Use this crystal when you need to feel safe and secure. Black Tourmaline is the ultimate grounding stone, and the primary crystal used for the clearing of negative energy and protection from spells. If you are suffering from fear, particularly fear of physical injury, keep this tourmaline near you for protection. Black Tourmaline is a purification crystal. It is one of the premier healing stones. It is very popular and extensively used in the healing arts. It clears and purifies negative energy better than any other stone. It has amazing properties of relieving both mental and physical stress, sort of like a "stress absorber."